Yeast Week Wedding 2024

Backstory: Sudikchya went back to Nepal to have a family wedding celebration, so obviously we also needed to have a wedding for her here in the lab. It was beautifully decorated and well-attended (except the groom could not make it but broom groom was a perfectly suitable stand-in).

Shania walking down the aisle/bay
Thomas pointing at something that I'm sure was hilarious
Allie walking Sudikchya down the aisle/bay
Sudikchya with her broom groom (a broom with paper eyes taped to it)
The wedding guest photo came out very well

Hello and welcome

We are gathered here in this bay today to honor the love between this doctor and this game designer

Wove twue wove is something that only comes around once every 10 – 10.5 base pairs

May your love have the half-life of Xenon-124 and not P-32

May your lives be filled with an abundance of joy that is plentiful like rDNA

And may it never get cut short like telomeres

 And may your lives be forever catenated to one another with few repair pathways in use

But should you get stuck in a MiDAS event, may you find your own BIR pathway to peace and harmony

Let the both of you support one another like microtubules, the third principal component of the cytoskeleton (The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 2nd edition)

Now let us celebrate this union as these two shmoo their lives toward one another

On a plate full of dextrose